Why do we have 3 doll strollers in here? Plus, 10+ dolls and all the accessories. Toy organization is a problem in our playroom. The toys are getting out of control.
The problem is also that I don’t want to discourage my daughter from playing pretend. I am not a super creative mom so it is one of my greatest joys to see her pretend playing with her dolls.
If I am not going to get rid of them, then I need to search the internet for ideas to organize this mess. Plus, all the studies show that when kids see less visual clutter they play with their toys more often.
I am all about easy and quick fixes that I can mainly order on Amazon Prime. I already have a list of things for my husband to fix and build for us so I don’t need to add to his list.
Quick and Easy Toy Organization Ideas
1.Store the play kitchen accessories – My kids love our play kitchen but all the food, pans and accessories can get out of control.
via Krystie Johnson
2. Under Bed AG Doll Storage – these shoe organizers are perfect for the kids to put away the Barbies and accessories all by themselves. It is an extra bonus when even the organizer itself is hidden.
via Serenity Now
DO YOU NEED A WHOLE HOUSE DECLUTTERING GUIDE? My friend Becky from Your Modern Family has a step-by-step, room-by-room guide to help you declutter, organize and clean your entire house. Let’s take control and feel great about our homes. See what’s included here. Becky has 4 kids and understands what we need as moms with very little time. Get the Decluttering Guide before the price increases.
3. Hanging Organizer for Games – I have learned the hard way that I can’t store a lot of games stacked on top of one another. If they want one in the middle the whole stack comes tumbling down. This hanging organizer in the closet fits about 3 -4 per pocket and makes the games easy to see and access. This means the kids will play with them more often.
4. Over Door Shoe Organizers – Here are more ways to use the space behind the kids closet doors. I am purchasing some of these organizers with clear pockets today so we can see what is in each pocket.
Perfect for Stuffed Animals
via HomeBNC
Perfect for Barbies
5. Nerf Gun Wall – When boys get a little older the collection of Nerf guns gets large. When they outgrow storing them in a basket here is a cute idea.
via 733Blog.com
6. Lego Set Storage – I wish I had started storing our sets with these clear containers from the beginning. We would have played with each set more often and had enjoyed building over and over.
7. Make Storage Cubes into the Play Area – This is where I know I don’t have a creative brain. I would have just set the storage cube system against the wall but if you make space behind it you create a whole new play area. The storage cube can also be the restaurant counter. Brilliant!
via The Mamas Girls
8. Riding Toy Organization in the Garage – For the men…such a fun way to show the kids where each toy needs to be parked. My boys love parking cars. This turns clean up time into fun time.
I am excited to get to work organizing and purging our play area.
Don’t forget about the Whole House Decluttering Guide. You will no longer feel overwhelmed. It breaks everything into a step-by-step plan. We can do this!
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8 Easy Ways to Organize Your Pantry.
Ultimate Bathroom Storage Hacks
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I am so doing this with my board games. You have so many awesome ideas here! Love all of these.
Thanks! I always think organizing is a huge task but there really are some easy things that make a big impact.
Such genius storage ideas for all those kid games and toys! Love the board game idea and the shoe holder for stuffed animals or Barbie dolls!
I have been trying to find good organizational things since my sons toys are everywhere. This is perfect.
Oh my gosh! Such smart use of those closet door shoe organizers!
Those are wonderful storage ideas. One thing I have done is minimize what toys actually go in the bedroom.
That’s what I need to do. Allow only a few things in the bedrooms.
Love the repurposed shoe storage hack! Such a great idea for teddies or dolls! I don’t have kids but storage is always a problem! Good to look at things with different eyes.
These all look so fantastic. I am super nervous for the day I have to deal with this but with these tips how can I go wrong really
Ooh I need one of those under bed organizers for my own things as it would be a great way of organizing things like shoes. I will have to check it out x
Wow! I am sure kids would love them. They are quite engaging.
Those are great ideas! I never thought of storing board games like that! I also love using the storage shelves to create an additional play area behind it! That would be nice to even create a little reading nook for someone without kids to break up the space in a room!
That’s what I think too, kids love nooks.
That board game hanger hack is absolutely genius! I always think these hangers look so flimsy for clothes but the board games work perfectly because they hold they shape of it don’t they! x
These are perfect and definitely something we need to do in preparation for toddler and his sister haha there are toys everywhere, definitely not baby proof!
These are all cute ideas. I love the “dont’ shoot your eye out” spot!
Ohh, so many great toy organization ideas here! I like the parking lot in the garage. My boys like to leave their bikes and scooters wherever they hop off of them, and it’s frustrating!
Yes, my husband loves this idea!
I love the idea of them PARKING their toys, i think they would also have a lot of fun with this, and i am going to buy some hanging shelves today, i think that will really help!
These are some great ideas and such perfect timing because I’m doing my spring cleaning and needing to organize all my kids many toys!
I need to do all of these! I was looking at my kids’ room today and wondering how I am going to organize it once the baby is older and they are sharing the space!
I very much like your storage ideas. I noted that none of them pile up stored toys, so they cannot be viewed individually. I saw this happen with my niece, it just leads to chaos and then a big donation organization session!
I love the use of various containers, as well as typical wardrobe storage, being used to organize the toys.
These are great tips! I especially love the storage cube idea, it looks so pretty too!
I am going to go through this post again and again so I can organize the mess of toys in my home!Thank you!
I really love the Nerf gun wall! That’s such a smart idea. We’ve used shoe organizers for just about everything, but I didn’t think to use a hanging organizer for games!
This Toy Organization Hacks is awesome! Yes, I wish I had known sooner that I can use a shoe organizer for Barbie! My daughter would have loved that!
I feel like it will help save their hair too.
These are cool ideas. We are reorganizing my sons room and i am definately taking inspiration from here
I wish I knew these YEARS ago! I’m in love with the square baskets hanging on the wall. I may still use that one for my office!
I so need to make that American Girl storage situation happen. Our clothes, shoes and accessories are all over the place! Haha!
Genius ideas. Keeping toys organized is not only important for containing mess, but also helps prevent the loss of parts. I wonder if my disaster of a niece would actually abide by the organization since she just loves to drop her toys where she is regardless of how many times my sister tells her to pick them up and put them away.
Wow, this is so cool! I will definitely share this to my bestfriend. Her son has a collection of Nerf Guns and Lego so this is a great tips!
All of these are such great hacks! I definitely wish I would have known about some of these a lot sooner.
yes these are all such great ideas and I actually used the one for the American Girl dolls when my daughter was younger.
Hi Carolyn, these are the nice tips to manage with toys. It’s looking very attractive and easier way to storage all kids toys. I will also share this blog with friends. Thank you so much for sharing this blog.
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Hello Carolyn, These are wonderful ideas. It makes toys arrangeable and easy to search. I love your dolls and toys organizer. I like your thoughts for arranging the toys. Thank you for your blog.
Thanks for the info, it will help me now.