I love hearing great nicknames for Grandma and nicknames for Grandpa. Some can be so creative, like Big Dog or Sassy and the classics, Grandaddy and Nana stand the test of time.
When we first announced we were pregnant to my parents my mother took a long time to pick out what name she wanted to be called. She ended up with Grammy and we love it.
Some of the most important people that we have in our lives are our grandparents. Not only do grandparents usually host the best family get togethers, give the very best hugs and always send us home with full tummies, they are huge parts of our lives.
Also check out: Cool Nicknames For Aunts And Uncles
Our parents become grandparents to our children, helping us to take care of our kids and spend lots of time providing them with positive experiences. Let’s face it, grandparents are extremely important.
When you have kids of your own, one of the questions that arises, is always what your children will be calling your parents.
There are many different ideas when it comes to what to call grandparents. Whether they are simply fun nicknames or derived from the word in another language, there is a name of everyone.
Nicknames for Grandma
Different Languages
- Abuela (Spanish)
- Avo (Portuguese)
- Amma (Icelandic)
- Baba (Serbian)
- Busia (Polish)
- Memere (French)
- Nonna (Italian)
- Oma (Dutch)
- Savta (Hebrew)
- Vovo (Portuguese)
- Yiayia (Greek)
Fun Nicknames
- Grammy
- GiGi
- Glamma
- Grams
- Gam Gam
- G-ma
- Gamma
- Granny
- Lolly (this goes well with the Grandpa name “Pop” so you are Lolly Pop)
- Mamaw
- Manga
- Marmie
- MeeMaw
- Mimi
- Nana
- Nanny
- Nan
- NieNie
- Sassy
Nicknames for Grandpa
Different Languages
- Abuelo (Spanish)
- Afi (Icelandic)
- Deda (Serbian)
- Dido (Croation)
- Dzedo (Serbian)
- Dziadzia (Polish)
- Nonno (Italian)
- Opa (Dutch)
- Pappou (Greek)
- Pepere (French)
- Saba (Hebrew)
- Vovo (Portugese)
Fun Nicknames
- Baboo
- Bamps
- Big-Dog
- Big-G
- G-dad
- G-Pa
- Gramps
- Grampy
- Grandaddy
- Granpappy
- Grindy
- Grumpa
- Hehaw
- Hoho
- Pa
- Papa
- Pawpaw
- Pappi
- Pop-pop
- Poppy
- Pops
How to Choose the Best Nickname
When it comes to choosing the best nickname for grandparents, the best thing you can do is to leave the ultimate decision up to them. However, it isn’t a bad idea to give them a few unique and fun ideas to choose from. The truth of the matter is, no one wants to be stuck with a nickname they didn’t choose, find irritating, or just simply don’t enjoy, so they should have a say.
There are a few important ways to ensure you’re choosing the right nickname for Grandma or Grandpa.
Consider Other Grandkids
If the grandparents have other grandchildren, it is favored by the grandparents to stick with the same nickname that is already being used. This helps to avoid confusion between the kids.
Are the grandparents to be extremely traditional or fun, bubbly and outgoing? Consider the individual personalities that the grandparents possess and choose a name that feels like the right fit.
Some nicknames for grandparents can be difficult for a child to pronounce, especially when they are young. Make sure that the name you choose is easy to say, without too much enunciation.
Family History
Consider what you used to call your grandparents as you grew up. Many families stick to a certain pattern of nicknames to stay with tradition.
Some cultures have general names they use to refer to grandparents. Explore the nicknames that are associated with your cultural background, especially if you prefer to keep things traditional.
Choosing a nickname for grandparents can be a fun and exciting experience for everyone involved. Just remember that they are the ones that should have the task of making the final decision on what their grandkids will be calling them.
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I have always wanted to have a special name for my mom when she became a grandma, but I wasn’t convinced by a lot of the names that people have picked out for their grandmas out there. My daughter is finally old enough to start knowing the names of different people, so I’ve been meaning to find a good name for my mom. We have just been so busy renovating our house (we ripped out so much stuff that we had to get a dumpster rental – if that doesn’t tell you how much work we’ve been doing!) that I’ve been forgetting to get a good name to call my mom!I do have some Italian heritage on my mom’s side (her dad is Italian so I love Nonna!! Thanks so much for helping me to choose a name!
My great-grandson calls his grandpa – Boppy – the grandson started that
name on his own
He calls his grandma – Nine
And me the great grandma – Great Grammy