Here in the south we love monograms. There is nothing like a monogram to make clothing look expensive. For years, I have always kept my eye out for inexpensive clothes that would look good with a monogram.
The places I look for these clothes are Walmart, Old Navy and Target. If you keep your eye out you can find shirts and dresses that just take a little dressing up to look boutique.
Here are two dresses I purchased last week at Walmart and took to my friend that monograms.
Can you believe these were $4.97? I think they now look much more expensive.
Usually you can find someone that does embroidery out of their home if you ask friends or local Facebook groups. I find they are a little less expensive than a retail store and they actually have more options in fabrics and colors. Plus, I always need a little help with creativity. I ask her for ideas of good colors and fonts and this time I just said “Surprise Me”.
I can’t wait for summer to break these out. Because they are so inexpensive, I let her wear them just as an everyday dress and we will, for sure, get our moneys worth out of them.
So keep your eye out at the big box stores and dress up your finds.
These dresses are soo cute! Even without the monogram they were great finds, but I agree the monogram adds so much more to them!
Thanks! It is fun to make something a little more unique.