I am so excited that I have to share with everyone. I have tripled my page views in 1 month!!
Here are the resources I used and things I changed to finally break through and gain more readers.
Growing skills in parenting and organizing.
I am so excited that I have to share with everyone. I have tripled my page views in 1 month!!
Here are the resources I used and things I changed to finally break through and gain more readers.
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I woke up the first day of summer this year to one of my sons playing on his iPad. I said “Hey, I thought we were going to start off summer right with our chores?” and he said, “Already done, check out my bucket.”. Whoa!! They still work!
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“Come on, I know you know this one!!” I say super frustrated as I am holding up a flash card.
“NO!”, she screams at me and runs away.
Sigh….this is just not going as easily as it did for my older 2 kids. They loved learning. Being able to say the right answer made them motivated to learn and to learn quickly. This just isn’t the case for my daughter. It is like she doesn’t care which frustrates me to no end.
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My kids came running in with such excitement yelling that they were going to have a water balloon party and invite a bunch of kids in the neighborhood. They had such joy that I just couldn’t say no. My husband gave me the look…the look that said there was no way that he wanted to be standing at the sink filling trying to fill up hundreds of balloons. Never fear, I had seen the solution on TV, we can now fill up hundreds of water balloons fast.
I am so excited. I just bought my first Mac laptop computer 3 months ago. I have been using PC’s for my entire life but one day my processor died and the cost to replace it was more than my laptop was worth so I started researching my options. Because of starting this blog, my research led me to switch to a Mac. I was excited but I didn’t realize there was going to be such a big learning curve to just do basic functions when switching from PC to Mac.
Some of my worst parenting moments when the twins were toddlers were when we were trying to get out the door to go somewhere. Not only was it the chore of getting the diaper bag ready, it was the trial of herding the boys into the car. They just didn’t want to get in the car or the car seat. It was a 10 minute process and sometimes ended ugly. Definitely not my finest parenting moments.
I started talking to friends and one recommended the book Love and Logic. As soon as I figured out this one trick, I found I could stay a step ahead of the situation. This even worked on all sorts of situations like leaving a store or just going upstairs to bed.
Since I was young my family has had a vacation home on the beach. Now that I am the only one that lives in the area I am in charge of renting the home and we use VRBO. I think it is a great way for renters to find places to stay a lot less expensive than the same home via a large resort rental company. It is also wonderful for the owners to go around paying a large percentage of the rental price to a property management/resort rental company.
In the 5 years I have been in charge of renting the house I have found that there are definitely ways that some people get a bigger discount than others. Here are my 3 tips to get the best price on a VRBO rental.
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My boys are obsessed with muffins. In fact, they are the only thing they have eaten for breakfast before school for the past year. Now I am not a super health food Mom but I do believe in a good breakfast so I have opted to make their muffins from scratch.
Why does it seem to be that you are either good at baking or cooking but not both? 🙂 I am a decent baker but am not a good cook. Maybe it is because I am pretty good at following a recipe exactly?? I don’t have many (if any) recipes on my blog because this just isn’t a huge skill of mine but over the past year of making muffins for the kids I think I have perfected the crispy edge.
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Do you love to look through cookbooks too? The pictures and the possibilities of amazing food on each page are so fun to look though. I like receiving cookbooks as gifts and they are also great gifts to give at bridal showers, birthdays, and holidays. One time a friend sent me a cookbook that took the gift to a whole other level! I want to share with everyone how to upgrade the gift of a cookbook into something amazing and thoughtful and it doesn’t even cost anything extra!
“Watch out for that car!”
“Slow Down!”
Do these things just fly out of your mouth while you are riding in the passenger seat?
It is so difficult to just be the passenger, let go of the control and trust that the other person sees all the other drivers on the road.