Declutter and organize with these 15 inspirational ideas for junk drawer organization. Your kitchen, bathroom, make-up, tools, office and even freezer drawers could probably use some help in the tidiness department.
Get rid of those random odds and ends that have accumulated in your junk drawers and bring some order to the chaos! You’ll find some DIY projects where you can wield a power tool to bring your junk drawer under control as well as some general repurposing efforts that require minimal DIY skills.
When you give your drawers and their items the wow factor using these techniques, you’ll be more inclined to keep them organized. Check out these awesome transformations that will help you get started on your junk drawer makeover!
Junk Drawer Organization Hacks
This odds and ends office supply drawer is both cute and functional because it conveniently sections like-sized items within like-sized containers. The trick here is to not crowd items in each little container, but instead let them have room to breathe. The result? When you open the drawer, your eye will immediately land on what you’re looking for. Make sure and choose some pretty liner paper to keep the containers from sliding around in the drawer. So pretty!
Cute And Functional Organized Junk Drawer by A Nod To Navy
If you are looking for drawer organizers for cheap I like these. Then use colorful drawer liner to show thru and make it customized to your taste.
Make sure you’re assigning your junk drawers a theme. For example, try to keep office supply items in one drawer, while technology items are organized in another drawer. Tools, fix-it items, kitchen-related items will all get their own drawers, too. Check out how she converted her kitchen drawer spaces into organized centers with colorful liners, mesh compartments and even double-decker organizers to maximize space. Very smart!
Taming The Office Supply Junk Drawer by I Heart Organizing
OK, I’ll share my own personal junk drawer now. I ordered this from Amazon (it comes in a 3 pack) and I loved that I could customize the trays to work with our items.
Warning…this isn’t as Pinterest-worthy as some of the other examples. 🙂
If your makeup routine consists of 10 minutes of rummaging through your drawer to find that one perfect item before you even start applying it to your face, it’s time to give this drawer a makeover. You can use inexpensive dollar store plastic containers or go the acrylic container route. Either way, spend some time cleaning out the old, expired makeup and giving the other items their own contained and organized spaces to help you see just what you need when you open your drawer.
Makeup Drawer And Bathroom Organization Ideas by My Texas House
Tame that jumbled mess of plastic lids and containers with this easy DIY scrap plywood project for your drawers. Using pegboard and wooden dowels, you can construct a custom drawer organizer for your various sized lids and containers. To be sure, this is a hands-on project, but when you’re finished, you’ll have a drawer or two that makes it easy to find and store all your containers and lids.
DIY Drawer Organizer For Plastic Containers by The Handy Man’s Daughter
If your spice collection is a jumbled mess in your cabinet or drawer, try this solution to bring order to those essential cooking items. Throw away the old spices that are expired or that you never use. If storing your spices in a drawer, make sure and invest in square glass jars so that they won’t roll around in the drawer each time you open it. Identify your spice jars with a marker or stick-on labels for a uniform and easy to read look. Fill your spice jars and set them in your lined drawer. Perfect!
Step By Step Spice Drawer Organization by Organizing Moms
If you have a junk drawer full of just about everything under the sun, use this 5 step technique to get it under control. Set aside some time to do this since you’ll be going through every item. First, sort every item. Second, purge. Throw away or donate items. Third, clean. Clean your items and your drawers. Fourth, contain. Look at the items left from your sorting and purging and decide on containment methods. Fifth, organize your drawers. Put the items back using your containment methods chosen from the previous step. Use this process on every drawer that needs organization.
Junk Drawer Organization by My Pinterventures
For your most frequently used items, such as pens, pencils, staplers, measuring tape, scissors, batteries, sticky notes, paperclips, and the like, having a dedicated and organized drawer is a time saver. A great tip to keep it organized once you set it up is to label the sections so everyone knows what goes where. This will keep your drawer tidy at all times!
How To Create An Organized Junk Drawer by Just A Girl And Her Blog
Here’s a frugal and crafty way to recycle your cereal boxes and put them to good use. Using an exacto knife, cut the boxes to the correct sizes to fit your organization scheme. Measure twice, cut once! Using some dollar store wrapping paper, make your organization cubby boxes pretty. This is a great way to upcycle while getting organized!
DIY Cereal Box Drawer Organizers by The Stonybrook House
If your sock drawer looks like a mountain of mismatched colorful material with no end in sight, try this Kon Mari folding method to make order out of the chaos. First, match up all your socks. Second, learn the easy folding method for each pair of socks. Arrange the folded pairs in your drawer according to color or type of sock. You’ll always be guaranteed a quick and easy selection the next time you open your sock drawer!
How To Fold And Organize Socks by Making Lemonade Blog
No matter how many unorganized drawers you have in your kitchen, you can use this DIY technique to make them orderly. Using binning strips, which allow you to create horizontal and vertical partitions for drawers, along with wood slats for creating the partitions, you can customize one or more drawers so that they can fit those oddly shaped items for ease of storage. Great idea!
DIY Kitchen Drawer Organizer by Frugally Blonde
You’ll love this genius method for creating your own drawer organizers from scrapbook paper. You can size them to fit perfectly in the drawer you’re making them for. Here, she used the organizers for her personal bathroom items to keep them nice and tidy, all in one dedicated drawer, away from anyone else that you might be sharing space with. Brilliant!
How to Make DIY Drawer Organizers Out of Scrapbook Paper by Thrift Diving
While most jewelry organization uses a hanging display method, here’s a drawer method that works well if you don’t have a large collection to organize. Use very small bowls as containers for each individual piece of jewelry. This keeps them from getting tangled together. It’s a cute idea that can use your small kitchen bowls or become a fun hobby to collect unique small bowls just for this project.
If you are looking for small trays to organize jewelry I like these.
Super Simple Jewelry Organization by The Summery Umbrella
Free up counter space by moving your knife dock to a drawer with this DIY method. Rather than a wood dock, this easy to make drawer container is made from cork. Be sure and measure everything before cutting. Your drawer liner will be cork, and the dock is simply made by cutting blocks of cork into a wedge to contain each knife. Sharp!
Knife Dock DIY by KJ And Co
Here’s a DIY project to convert a deep drawer into vertical sections that can contain your pots, pans and lids. Use dentil molding as section guides for the dividers, cut and paint your divider panels and slide them into place between the molding strips. Add your pans and lids and enjoy your newly organized drawer.
DIY Organized Pot And Pans Drawer by Seeded At The Table
Stocking up on freezer foods is always a good idea, but trying to fit all those awkward-sized items in the space can be a jumbled challenge that leads to having to unpack or rearrange the freezer each time you’re looking for something. A better way is to remove boxy packaging, if there is any, and implement a container system within the actual freezer. This allows you to group like items together for easy visual reference. Bonus: your freezer will be able to hold more, too!
How To Organize A Drawer Freezer by Keys To Inspiration
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I loved the 🗡️ drawer with cork blocks. I have do many knives handed down from my parents homes.
What are the key ingredients to finding the right song for a particular occasion? Most people will immediately think about the melody, the words and the genre, but a fundamental aspect is to get the right tempo. The speed at which a song is recorded and bpm counter bpm counter. performed has a profound impact on how it is perceived and whether it will work in the context that you have planned.
The clearest illustrations of how BPM can affect a piece of music can be found in songs with which we are all familiar, but that take on a whole new character at a different tempo. The Bing Crosby festive classic White Christmas must be one of the best known songs of its genre, and has been covered numerous times. While the likes of Michael Bublé might stick to the “easy listening” tempo that we know so well, 1970s punk band Stiff Little Fingers gave the song a whole new edginess when they started playing it in their silly encores section at
he freezer each time you’re looking for something. A better way is to remove boxy packaging, if there is any, and implement a container system within the actual freezer. This allows you to group like items together for easy visual reference. Bonus: your freezer will be able to hold more, too!