Are you trying to figure out how to get sticker residue off clothes? We have had too many stickers washed onto shirts in this house. Luckily after testing many ways, I have found the easiest way to remove adhesive from their clothes.
I can’t tell you how many shirts I have thrown away because I accidentally left a sticker on their shirt and washed it. Why do schools and camps have to use stickers to remind us parents of spirit nights? I have forgotten name tags too.
The residue a washed sticker leaves on fabric is impossible to get off. If you have ever had it happen then you know how ridiculous it is. It is so frustrating. I try to pick at it or soak the shirt in Oxyclean but nothing gets rid of the residue.
I was so excited when a friend shared this product with me. It could have saved a ton of shirts over the past few years but here is the one it most recently saved.
How to Get Sticker Residue Off Clothes:
Step 1: Here is the product. I couldn’t find it in our Walmart or Lowe’s so I had to order it on Amazon. Duck Adhesive Remover
Step 2: Open the product and there is a sponge applicator which I love. It doesn’t drip the product anywhere you don’t want it. As soon as you apply you can see the residue rolling up.
Step 3: Put the top back on and use the scraper. You can see that it comes off so easy in this picture. You really don’t have to work very hard at this.
The shirt is fixed. I am thrilled and so are my boys. They have to wear plain blue shirts to school with only a 2 inch emblem allowed so I have to order these online. Of course, they only want Under Armour brand even down to their underwear.
It is thrilling to find how to get sticker residue off clothes. I was worried some of the products would stain but this doesn’t leave any marks at all.
Now if I could find a product to get acrylic paint out of fabric. Any ideas? I have 3 shirts that are sitting in my laundry now because my boys are in a painting unit of art at school and they refuse to wear a smock.
Check out my other great laundry tip, the 1 step process to keep your laundry detergent cup clean.
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Finally I know how to remove these stickers. I never could understand why they would even stick it there in the first place and always get irritated because the residue is always left behind. I can think of a few people I need to forward this post to.
Ok – I am so pinning this little trick. I can.not.stand it when this happens. That sticker is like IMPOSSIBLE to remove. Even pre-wash. Adding this to my shopping list!
So glad to share. I have been looking for a solution for years and nothing worked except this. 🙂
What a great product. I had not had an issue to need this yet, but now that my son is in school I bet the need will arise.
Ha! I have also thrown out kids clothing due to the sticker residue! You’d think they’d make the glue less resistant but thank goodness there is now a solution! Kids and stickers, they are a constant pair!
Yes, I agree. Kids always love stickers. 🙂
I hate sticker residue! I didn’t know a product like this existed, so thank you for the heads up. 🙂
Ummm that is incredible!! I definitely need to have this handy little bottle of magic on hand!
It is SO ANNOYING when you leave stickers on!!! That product is amazing. My husband is forever leaving stuff like this on his clothing so I need to buy this.
So glad to help!
My kids are ALWAYS sending stickers through the wash! I had no idea this existed! You have just saved my laundry!
Thank you so much for this! My three kids are forever putting stickers in their pockets. I’ve never really known what to do with it.
Wow! We have never had a sticker residue problem before. That product you used is a lifesaver 🙂
I wish I had something like this before I tossed some clothes! It looks fantastic!
Me too. I have tossed a few just in the past year.
Ooooo what a cleaver tip! My daughter loves stickers so I will have to keep this in mind when she goes sticker crazy
Whoa! That product is awesome! I will have to get some of this. My daughter is so into stickers that it is a little ridiculous.
I never knew a product like this existed. This will come in very handy if my kids ever leave stickers on their shirts after school again. Somehow I always miss them!
Me too. When I see the stickers on their shirt I always think…Don’t forget to take that off! Then I totally forget and when I pull it out of the dryer I freak out at myself. I would probably catch it more often if my kids didn’t take their clothes off and leave them inside out.
I hate having to deal with this, especially when I discover it the moment I put the shirt on and I have little time to remove it. Having this adhesive remover is definitely going to help a lot!
I never thought that this is possible. I hate it when my clothes have sticker residues.
Sticker residue is the worst and so frustrating. Thanks for this tip…I’m sharing it with my teens as a life hack!
Well this will definitely come in handy! My kids often have stickers on their clothes, and for some reason I never seem to catch them before they go through the wash.
Me neither. I am so glad I found this product that I can keep in my laundry room. 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing your tip, I have had that happen and ended up tossing a shirt! Pam @ Everyday Living
This is such a great tip for an all too common problem! I hate when they put stickers on clothes because they almost always get messed up somehow!
Yes, my kids throw their shirts inside out into the dirty laundry and I wash them not realizing there was a sticker. Such a pain!
Great information. Lucky me I reach on your own site by accident,
I bookmarked it.
i remember my friend show this.. awesome! but she use different product i will try to check if this one available in amazon.. thanks for sharing
i remember my friend show this.. awesome! but she use different product i will try to check if this one available in amazon.. thanks for sharing! cool
Thanks for sharing. It’s really informative.