Sometimes mothering comes naturally and sometimes I need special instructions. When it came to diapers I thought it would be super easy, who needs instructions on diapering…right? Well, turns out there were some great tricks that I was happy to learn from some of my experienced mom friends.
I learned very fast that there are quite a few tricks that some mothers figure out quickly and others of us need to be told some of the tricks.
7 Brilliant Diapering Tips
1. Larger size at night to hold more pee especially for boys
One of my sons would wake up at 3am with a completely soaked diaper that had leaked onto his clothes. Finally one of my mom friends mentioned that she used a larger size diaper just at night and it would hold the larger amount of wetness. It worked great and we were back to sleeping through the night. Whenever your diapers seem to leak it may not be the brand, it may be that you need to go up a size even if the weight isn’t exact on the box.
2. Fold front of the diaper to stop front leaks
This trick needs to start during the first days of diapering. Fold the front of the diaper inward towards their belly to catch the wetness and not let it trickle out on their belly.
3. Point boy parts down
I was raised with all sisters so all these boy parts are new to me. 🙂 Luckily a friend with boys told me about the downward point. This is so the pee doesn’t go straight up their stomach.
4. Pull out the diaper ruffles around the legs to stop leaks
The first time I diapered my twins a nurse showed me that I hadn’t pulled all the ruffles out. I totally felt like a fish out of water.
5. Stores let you exchange diapers for new larger sizes
If you purchase too many cases of diapers in a certain size, stores are very open to exchanging sizes. Don’t be afraid to stock up.
Related Post: Do Diapers Expire? I called 3 Top Manufacturers to Ask.
6. Open the diaper then close for a few secs to let the air hit
This is to make sure they don’t pee in the middle of the diaper change. Do a quick open of the diaper. Some people even use a wipe to do a quick wipe then close the diaper and make sure that the cooler air didn’t just cause them to decide they had to go again.
7. Butt paste silicone applicator
This seems a little silly but it is really hard to get all that diaper cream off your fingers. The cream is made to stay on even with water so it takes more than a quick rinse to get it clean. It is nice to have a different applicator other than your finger. I was surprised but so many moms told me they used this diaper cream applicator that I had to jump on the train too.
I know some of these tips seem easy for many of you but I didn’t babysit often as a kid so I was a total newbie when I had my kids and every little tip was helpful to me.
Do you have any tips to share that I can add?
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I love the tip about folding the top of the diaper towards their tummy!
If you do cloth diapers, even part-time, a wool outer cover is the best investment! I have found the wool absorbs odor and only needs a good washing once a week….and muslin folded up was the best I found for nighttime. I agree to wear bigger diapers at night, whether you disposable or cloth it! Also, if you know your baby is going to pee once you open then shut the diaper, why not try and catch that pee in a clay pot and save the diaper? That’s what our ancestors did, and worth saving a diaper or two… I personally started offering my daughter potty at night and part of the day around 9 months, and she gained muscle control, which meant by 11 months she was dry overnight some of the time (took her pee first thing in the morning) and about half of the time 15 months and less pee, even though she still breastfed 3-8+ times through the night…. that is a great diaper trick to solve the over-peed night diapers, though it does take time and effort (you can do part-time), I found it made nighttime diapering so much easier as I was a bit beside myself with how much she would pee at night, and then she would wake when she peed! We were out of diapers by 2, and she has no memory of them, but she loves putting diapers on her dollies and is excited to diaper baby brother, coming any day now.
I appreciate this blog and the tips, just thought I’d add some other ideas too. Happy diapering everyone! Oh and the Fennell family is adorable!