Every one of us has our own parenting personality. It is fun to know who we identify with, plus it can also help us to know our strengths and weaknesses as we parent our kids.
If you have taken the Parenting Personality Quiz then you have found out your mom personality type. This is great to know because it can help you narrow down which parenting books you would like the most.
If you haven’t taken the quiz then take it now, it is short and fun.
Now that you know your personality, let’s dive right into the lists of parenting books.
For the Cool-As-A-Cucumber Mom:
You believe in raising your kids to be street smart. Your kids will be independent adults one day. Let’s make sure they have a few routines and boundaries to keep them on the right path.
1.Bringing up BeBe: One American Mothers Discovers The Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman
2. The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People In the World Know about Raising Confident, Capable Kids by Jessica Joelle Alexander and Iben Sandahl
For the Watchdog Mom:
You are hyper-vigilant (aka Helicopter mom) but you want to learn to teach independence to your child. Some good books for you are:
1.Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five by John Medina
2. If you are trying to break your habit of being hyper-vigilant then this book may be for you. How to Raise an Adult: Break free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success by Julie Lythcott-Haims
For the BFF Mom:
You want everyone to feel equal and hesitate to use punishment as it would make your child unhappy. Let’s remember that they rely on us for guidance.
- Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay – I found this book to be the best parenting book I have ever read once kids are past 2 years old. It is a fantastic way to stay in charge without your kids even realizing it.
2. The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering our Children by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
The Referee Mom:
You have a strict view of how children should be raised. Everything is very orderly in your world (I am jealous). Let’s make sure you also have some flexibility and are ready for all the stages that children go through.
- On Becoming Childwise: Parenting Your Child From 3-7 Years by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam This book and their book for younger babies Babywise is great for those of us that love schedules and like to have a real plan of action.
2. The Informed Parent: A Science Based Resource For Your Child’s First Four Years by Tara Haelle
You are a natural mother and take the role seriously. Your kids know they are loved. Now let’s make sure your expectation’s aren’t too high or you have too much pressure on yourself.
- The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
2. The Child Whisperer, The Ultimate Handbook For Raising Happy, Successful and Cooperative Children by Carol Tuttle
I fully believe all parents should constantly be improving our parenting skill. It is the only way I can stay a step ahead of these kids…Ha! The best way I find is through books, websites and classes. Let me know your favorite books so I can add them to my reading list.
Also check out the following articles:
Does Your Child Always Need the Last Word in Arguments? Here is What to Say.
Siblings Fighting? 3 Tips to Help Them Get Along.
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That is a fun idea. I am all over the place, so I think depending on the situation, I am a little bit of all of these 🙂
I am not a mom who micromanages everything I let my kids be independent unless it has to do with safety, then I am very cautious. I will try and be better when it comes to worrying now that my daughter will be driving.
I took the quiz, and I’m considered “The Cool As A Cucumber Mom”! That was a lot of fun!
What a great idea! We all definitely have a different way of handling things and taking care of business when it comes to parenting, so this totally makes sense!
This is a great list. I haven’t taken the quiz yet but I think after looking through it I’m a little bit all over the place and could probably take something from each of these books. I agree that we really need to stay educated to stay ahead of the game of parenting. Things are always changing and sometimes the answer can be found in a book or online.
Cool quiz. I like that they have books for every parenting type as we all are following our own path. Great list here.
I think that’s really awesome! No matter what book you pick, you’re bound to learn something more about parenting and being a mom. These would also be lovely gifts to new moms.
I’m not a Mom but I can so “see” some of my friends and family members as cool as a cucumber mom (my best friend).
I am apparently the affectionate mom! I’m definitely super affectionate with my little ones, they give the best cuddles! This was a fun quiz, I’m going to check out some of the books recommended to ‘me’!
Pretty sure my mom has quite a few of these, LOL! I love that there was a quiz involved with personalized answers.
I wish this quiz would have been around when I was a new mom!My children are grown now but I think I was a fun mom but definitely the one in charge.
The result was “A cool cucumber mom” it was so fun taking this quiz. I’m not a mom, but in the future i will.
Wow there are some great titles here. Thank you for the quiz, what a great resource.
During different times of my daughter’s childhood career, I could have been any of those types! Different seasons call for different needs.
It is a good idea to go based on your personality. I have read some parenting books and am like I would never do any of this stuff.
I think I am a different mom for each of my kids based off of their personalities. Thank you for this fun idea and some great book recommendations.
this is such a great idea! sometimes it’s good for us to see ourselves in a different light.
This is so awesome! What a cool idea! I need to send this to some of my mom friends~
LOL! How fun. I’m not a mom, but guessing the quiz could apply to how you just deal with life in general 🙂
I got The Cool As A Cucumber Mom. Which is pretty accurate. How fun, such a great way to find some new and good parenting books to fit me!
I seriously feel like I am a mix of everything when it comes to parenting. I need to be more consistent. This was a great posts
Quizzes like these are a great resource for moms and can be a lot of fun too. I like the idea of feeling like there are other moms like me out there.
Thank you for these recommendations! I’ll have to check out some of these titles, especially Bringing up BeBe: One American Mothers Discovers The Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman.
This is such a fun quiz and I love that there are book recommends for each style. This is such an awesome resource.
I have a little of all these parenting styles wrapped into one! It’s so hard to find balance when you want your children to be independent but also keep a close eye on them knowing all the dangers out there.