The Konmari Method has been viewed as the be all end all way of organizing and decluttering your home for a few years now. This method focuses on identifying the areas of your home that spark joy and organizing by category.
If you struggle with keeping more than you need, or you don’t have the time to actually put everything you own in piles by category, then the Konmari method likely won’t work well for you.
Here is how I finally let go of clutter without using the Konmari Method.
Declutter without Konmari
Use 15 Minute Decluttering Sessions to Help you Get Started
This might sound like an insanely short amount of time, but the reality is that you can accomplish a lot in just 15 minutes. 15 Minute decluttering sessions are a great place to start if you are short on time or just don’t know where to start.
Grab two trash bags and label one of them donate and the other trash. Walk around your home with the trash bags, and look for items to put in each one. Do this every day and you’ll find that clutter stops becoming a problem in your home.
Timed tasks are also a part of another popular system.
See Related Post: How to make Decluttering easy with the Flylady System
Think About How Often or If You Use the Items that “Spark Joy”
The Konmari Method focuses only on whether or not the item you hold sparks joy. It doesn’t take into account things such as does this shirt fit you or do you even wear it. This is why it’s important to think about the usage of the items you own rather than the joy they bring you.
Start by answering the question of would I buy this again if I was in a store? Do I wear or use this often? If you can’t answer yes to either of these questions then you probably don’t need to keep it.
If you are interested in the Konmari Method, The book is The Art of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.
Use the Time Capsule Method
If you are struggling with letting go of certain items, put them in a box and put a date on the box for either six months or three months out. If you find yourself needing that item, reach into the box and grab it out. If you don’t, then you know that you can safely donate everything in the box without guilt!
Create a Zone for Donated Items
I like to keep bins for items that we are ready to discard throughout the home. This way when I go to put on a dress only to realize I don’t like wearing it, it won’t get hung back up in the closet. This works well for getting rid of items that we are done using without having to wait until we’re ready for the next decluttering session.
Keep a cardboard box in your closet, in your kid’s playroom, and one central area in your home. When the box is full, take it to a donation center!
The Konmari Method brings a lot of great points to the table when it comes to decluttering. However, it should also be noted that this isn’t the only way to declutter your home for good.
If you like accountability, you will love my friend Hilary’s The Organized Home course. It has the accountability and camaraderie that I need. She gives tips and lessons to get you to feeling accomplished and the motivation to get organized. Plus an amazing Facebook group. Check out what it includes here at The Organized Home.
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