I didn’t quite realize what I was getting myself into when I decided to do a series on Bonus Cleaning. This means I have to show the world the dirtiest parts of my home. Now everyone thinks my whole home looks like this, wonderful, my Mom will be so proud. Ha!
I really strive to keep a picked up home, I just like the extra motivation this brings to get every nook and cranny organized and cleaned out. Also, as we are transition to not having babies and toddlers there is a lot of stuff I can actually remove from our house. There are some examples in this very cabinet. So here we go….
OK, lets do this…the scary inside.
This cabinet is crammed full of towels and a few other odds and ends. My boys have not been using this bathroom for over a year (they shower in the Master Bath). Only my little girl takes baths in here so I don’t need quite as many towels as I did when there were 3 kids using the bathtub.
So first I will take everything out.
Now I have towels in 3 piles. A keep pile, a belongs in another bathroom pile and a donate pile. The donate pile is a bunch of towels that we just don’t use because they aren’t our favorite, some of them are newborn towels that are too small now…sniff, sniff.
Now lets see what is left…
I separate into keep and trash piles. All the front row in trash and the back row is keep. I moved the scrubbing bubbles to where I actually keep cleaners. I am going to list the shampoo on our neighborhood Facebook resale group since it is a fancy brand, is this Noodle & Boo Shampoo really worth it? Maybe someone will give me $3 for them. A little money in my pocket would be an extra Bonus for this Bonus Cleaning!
Now I can reorganize the cabinet and it looks so much better. Here is the big reveal….Ta Da!!
Let me know if you do any bonus cleaning. I love seeing before and afters! They are so motivating.
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