Do you want to learn exactly how full-time bloggers run their business? I am talking full-time bloggers that do not blog about blogging. They have “retired their husbands” or “hired their husbands” type of bloggers. 🙂
8 amazing bloggers have formed a group called Bloggers Tell All to mentor the rest of us. And I am saying real talk, real sharing, real numbers and real answers to any question you have to get your blog to the next level.
Here are the bloggers running the group. Now if you think you haven’t heard of a couple of these bloggers, go look them up. I hadn’t heard of Stephanie at Spaceships and Laser Beams and turns out she has over 1 million followers on Facebook and is sharing all the details about how she got there and what she does to convert those followers into $$.
- Becky Mansfield, Your Modern Family
- Amanda Formaro, Amanda’s Cookin’ & Crafts by Amanda
- Aubrey Cota, Real Housemoms
- Cindy Hopper, Skip to My Lou
- Holly Nilsson, Spend with Pennies & Centsless Meals
- Jackie Currie, Happy Hooligans
- Jennifer Fishkind, Princess Pinky Girl & 11 Best
- Stephanie Keeping, Spaceships and Laser Beams & The Best Blog Recipes
The group is called Bloggers Tell All and I think I am now done buying courses. Or at least for a good while. 😉
This is truly the best learning tool I have found in the past 3 months. Where else can I get Becky Mansfield of Your Modern Family to personally look at a pin that I am designing or a post that I have written to get her feedback?
Examples of what they are teaching:
- What exact tasks do you hire out?
- How do you know which posts will do well?
- How much do you pay your VA?
- Showing a detailed account of a typical day.
- Videos of themselves doing SEO research and how they do it.
- Videos of how they use tools like Asana.
It is like having personal coaching. Absolutely any question I have had has been answered in-depth by them. At first I thought I would just try it for one month and ask a bunch of questions and then leave but turns out this group is worth way more! I don’t see the need to buy any other courses. And I am a course junkie!
I also think it is important that these are not bloggers that are making their money selling courses about blogging. Sometimes I get frustrated with listening to bloggers who make most of their money from selling to other bloggers or about personal finance. These bloggers are making amazing money in the niches of: recipes, crafts, party planning and parenting. Between the 8 of them they each have their own topics of expertise and they are sharing in such detail I feel like they are personally helping me get to the next level.
My favorite parts of Bloggers Tell All:
Live Videos – They are going in depths to talk (and show screen shares) about how they use Asana, SEMRush, Pinterest, Affiliate Links, and any topic you want to ask about. You can go to their video tabs to catch up on any topic you are interested in.
Feedback on your specific posts or questions – I wasn’t sure if I needed to work on my pin graphics more or if they were just fine. I am not a graphic designer and while I think they are good I wasn’t sure if they could be better. When I posted my question, I not only had one response I had 2 of them respond and even go in to my Pinterest board and look at all of them and the one that wasn’t a parenting blogger went to other parenting boards to see if mine were just as good if not better. Now that is going above and beyond! They have also asked people to send in their blog url and Stephanie Keeping went through every blog on the list with her SEMRush tool on screen share and showed each blogger specific things to do in their posts to help drive traffic.
Learning how to use Virtual Assistants or what tasks to start to Outsource – they go in-depth about this because most of the bloggers who are members of the group are no longer beginners.
Making Connections with Others At a High Level In the Blog World – Everyone in this group is either full-time or trying quickly to be at a full-time income level. I am having PM’s with other bloggers that are at over 1 million page views per month and becoming friends and building relationships.
It Is A Small Group – This is why I am so glad I was in this group at the beginning. I know this is a total find and will grow to be huge so I am enjoying it to the max while it is a small group of bloggers. I would suggest to get in as soon as you can in order to enjoy the small group feel before it gets extremely large.
If you have any questions let me know. Click here for the link.
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I’ve yet to do any live videos on my Facebook because of how nerve-wracking videos make me! I’ve even tried recording videos for YouTube, but I’m so awkward on video. It definitely takes practice.