You have heard it all before. Being a mom is a tough job. In fact, it’s one of the toughest jobs in the entire world. Mother’s helpers can be invaluable. It is important that as mothers, we cut ourselves some slack and sometimes ask for help. Especially when you are feeling overwhelmed by the balancing act you perform daily. Each mom out there would welcome a helping hand every now and then.
If you have considered a nanny but are concerned that it may be too much of a commitment to hire one, you may want to consider hiring a mother’s helper. A mother’s helper can give you a hand with errands, watching your children or even by performing some simple household tasks. The best part is that you get to decide what exactly you need help with.
What is a Mother’s Helper?
A mother’s helper does just that – gives mom a helping hand. A mother’s helper is generally a babysitter that is too young to care for children on their own. While you are busy, mother’s helpers are able to play with the kids. Most mother’s helpers can help to find jobs with families that have multiple children. This way, while mom is feeding the baby a mother’s helper can work with the older children to keep them busy.
In addition to keeping the little ones occupied, mother’s helpers can run errands and perform light household duties. Over the holiday season, mother’s helpers can be hired to help you decorate the house, wrap presents and even help with baking tasks.
Regular commitment – for example, every Tuesday and Thursday from 5 – 7 during the “witching hour” you can have a neighbor pre-teen come play with the children while you make dinner.
Just when you need it – you want to take all your kids to the pool or big park but it is overwhelming. Hire someone to go with you as another set of eyes. You never know when one kid will need to be taken to the bathroom just as another kid finally has a turn on the swings.
Tasks for a Mother’s Helper
As stated above, there are a variety of tasks that a Mother’s helper can perform to assist in making your life a little easier.
- Do the dishes so you can have more time with your kids.
- Help to make school lunches.
- Help the kids with homework.
- Play with the kids so you can take phone calls.
- Entertain older children so you can tend to the baby.
- Perform tasks so you can have a shower, nap or bathroom break.
- Act as a positive role model for your kids.
- Help with tasks around the holidays to minimize your stress.
What do I Pay a Mother’s Helper?
When paying your mother’s helper, it is a good idea to consider the tasks you require help with. The heavier the work load, the higher the rate should be. That said, the normal base rate for a mother’s helper should be close to that of what you would pay a babysitter. Think hourly rate and research what the normal pay for a babysitter is in your area.
A mother’s helper, if they are alone with the kids should be paid similarly to a babysitter. If you are in the same area then you can pay less. It is also a good idea to pay based on their age and experience.
How to Find a Mother’s Helper
There are many different ways to find a suitable mother’s helper in your area. Just make sure to take advantage of local resources and networks and ensure that you go through an interview process before deciding on someone.
- Network – The most reliable way to find a responsible Mother’s helper is to use your inner circle. Talk to other parents that you know to see if they may have older children or knows of someone that does that would be interested in gaining work experience and making some money.
- Interview Process – Once you have started the interview process, make sure to involve the parents. If your applicant’s parents are responsible the probability their children are too, is greater. Working together with their parents will help to assure the family that they will be in a trustworthy place. If you are interested in hiring someone older to help you, make sure to make it clear what you are looking for.
- Make rules clear – Prior to hiring your Mother’s helper, it is important that you inform them of any rules and expectations you will have of them. Outline what the responsibilities will include, times they will be expected to work and any additional information you can think of.
How old Should a Mother’s Helper Be?
A mother’s helper can really be any age and it greatly depends on the tasks you wish to be performed. If you are seeking someone to just play with your children while you are present, your mother’s helper could be a young preteen. If you are seeking someone to take over meal prep, cooking and chores like folding laundry while you invest your time in helping your kids with homework, someone older can be considered.
I once hired my neighbors 9-year-old daughter to come play with my twins when they were 3 years old. I just gave her a few dollars to come play with them in their playroom for an hour because I was pregnant and having a rough week. Her mom said she was absolutely thrilled for a few dollars and felt so grown up. It was a win-win.
Take the time to plan out the tasks you require to be completed and choose the age of your mother’s helper based on those.
There are many benefits to hiring a Mother’s helper. Just make sure that you do your research on what to pay in your area and perform interviews. Take the time to find the right person to help your family. You deserve a helping hand once in a while and if you’re feeling overwhelmed, now is as good a time as any to find a helping hand.
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My wife and I are both busy with work, so we don’t have time to care for our son all day. It makes sense that getting the right nanny would be beneficial for us! Having someone at home to help out would make things so much easier for both of us.