Is it is just too difficult to get your hectic schedule to match up to your hospitals prenatal class calendar? There is now an online childbirth class for you so you don’t have to miss out on all the important information. My friend Hilary has been a Labor and Delivery Nurse for over 15 years and has a free and amazing online prenatal class.
This class will answer all of your questions and concerns as you get close to delivering your precious baby. If you pair this class with a tour your hospital will offer of the Labor and Delivery floor you can get all the information you need in the comfort of your own home and at your own schedule.
Hilary is a trusted nurse with over 1,000 deliveries under her belt and is awesome at breaking down the difficult parts of labor and delivery and making it less scary.
Some topics this online childbirth class includes are:
- 3rd Trimester Testing – what to expect.
- Basic Labor Fears – what’s considered normal and what do you need to bring to your doctor’s attention.
- After Baby Tips – yes, you are done pushing out your cute little baby but the fun is not over. There are still things you need to take care of with your body.
Bonus: signing up for this free class includes access to her Pregnancy Facebook Group.
This class is available 24/7 and you can start/stop the lessons as you need.
Who is this online childbirth class for?
- couples that can’t find or fit-in a traditional class
- have anxiety about delivery and the hospital process
- worried your anxiety will affect your birth
I loved taking my prenatal class because it made me feel so much more relaxed about what was about to happen. Hilary really helps take the anxiety away and give you the real information that you need to know.
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[…] The videos and workbooks offer a comprehensive look at what to expect during labor and delivery, how to manage pain, and answers common questions that expectant parents have about the delivery process. I wrote more about this online childbirth class. […]